After the typical car crash, the people involved might file insurance claims hoping to obtain financial compensation for their injuries. The process can be vastly different when the vehicle that caused the crash isn't another passenger vehicle but rather a commercial...
Truck Accidents
Who’s liable after a truck accident in Iowa?
Questions about fault and liability often arise after motor vehicle collisions in Iowa. After all, fault likely determines which insurance policy applies and who might be at risk of financial responsibility if the crash caused major losses. Sometimes, fault and...
3 driving tips to protect against semi-truck crashes
The safety ideal in traffic is to avoid any type of collision and to avoid any kind of safety infraction that could lead to a citation. Such goals are not always realistic. The more miles someone travels throughout their lifetime, the greater their risk of eventually...
What is the timeline for a claim after a semi-truck crash?
A crash that involves someone's personal vehicle and a semi-truck will likely cause severe damage to the smaller vehicle and catastrophic injuries to its occupants. Such collisions are among the worst that occur in Iowa every year, with people dying and developing...
Can you prevent a rear-end collision?
No matter when you get behind the wheel, you hope that you’re going to get to your destination safely. Getting into a crash isn’t on most people’s radar, but it can happen to anyone at almost any time. Rear-end crashes are among those that can happen. They can be...